Winston Rodney, aka Burning Spear, came from a rural Jamaica parish called Saint Anns Bay. The same Saint Anns Bay that gave us Marcus Garvey by the way. A connection that would play heavily into Burning Spear's music. Burning Spear began his recording career at Studio One Studios. According to Burning Spear himself he was introduced to Clement "Coxsone" Dodd, the owner of Studio One, by Bob Marley. Burning Spear had already acquired a local following and his recording sessions were eagerly awaited by the whole Studio One posse. Burning Spear's first single, "Door Peeper", begins with him speaking, "I and I, the son of the most high, Jah Rasta Fari, whose heart shall correspond and beat in one harmony, sounds from the Burning Spear" and then the drums kick in and the band starts playing. And far away, in a little apartment in Los Angeles I listened, transfixed to the stereo speakers, some 45 years ago and man-o-man what a moment.
Burning Spear released two albums on the Studio One label. The self-titled "Burning Spear" and then the album "Rocking Time." Those first two albums... I can't tell you how many times I played them. I always dreamed that there would be a third Burning Spear Studio One album, but that third album never came. Coxsone did release a few singles not included on the albums, "Zion Higher", "New Civilization" and "This Population" all of which I found after much searching. Also, Coxsone released a bunch of singles form the albums and I bought as many as I could find just to hear the version sides. But that third album, that third Burning Spear Studio One album, never happened.
When it came time for me to move to the Philippines, I recorded all my Burning Spear singles and at some point, as the ganja smoke gently rose up over my computer screen a wonderful idea came to me....
album: Burning Spear Studio One Showcase label: Little Red
tracks: 01 This Population ( The Burning Spear) 02 This Population version (The New Establishment) 03 Get Ready
(Burning Spear) 04 Get Ready Dub (Winston & The Brentford Rockers) 05 Wala Wala (single version credited to Owen Right) 06 Creation Rebel (Burning Spear) 07 Creation (Version) (Winston & The Brentford Rockers) 08 Door Peeper (Single Version) 09 Ethiopians live it out (Burning Spear) 10 Live it out (Burning Spear with Sound Dimension) 11 Rocking Time
(Burning Spear (Coxsone single version)) 12 Zion Higher (Burning Spear) 13 Zion (Ver.) (Sound Dimension) 14 The Avenue Pt2 (Hubert Lee
with Sound Dimension)
Afterword: You may have noticed that the single "New Civilization" was not included on this Showcase album. I did in fact find that record after much searching but folks, the copy I got in the mail was totally trashed. Filled with pops and skips and I decided to leave it off the album just out of respect. I suppose I could have lifted the file from a YouTube video but, I didn't. Maybe that tune will have to wait for the fourth Burning Spear Studio One album. Or maybe I'll redo it... we'll see. In the meantime here it is.
Listen, this is some serious introspective business.
This album here, Syncro System Movement, is the first African album I ever bought.
And to this day it remains one of my favorite pieces of vinyl in any genre.
Does it remain one of my favorites just because it was my first?
The first cut is the deepest as they say.
Or does it remain one of my favorites because it is a great album.
Either way.
Let me tell you how I found it.
In the 1980's I lived one block from Rhino records. A record collectors dream if I do say so.
Every night after work I used to stop by Rhino to check out what they had gotten in.
In those days Rhino had tons of used vinyl and they had a listening booth so you could check out the records. It was wonderful. I used to wander into Rhino half blazing on ganja and liquor and spend hours listening to music.
I was, and still am, heavily into reggae music so every night I would check out the used reggae bin. Oh lord, if I could only be back there now. What treasures I found in that used reggae bin.
Now as it was set up Rhino didn't have a used African bin. So on the occasions when they got in a used African record they used to put it in the bin with the used Reggae.
And that, dear reader, is how I got my hands on this record.
I think I had heard of Sunny Ade but I certainly didn't know his music. But this record looked interesting, so I gave it a spin.
"Syncro... Syncro system..."
I rapidly became a Juju fan. From that day forward, every night as I combed through the reggae records, I kept my eyes open for Juju music. With time I found more Sunny Ade records and I was introduced to Ebenezer Obey and Prince Adekunle...
But this first Sunny Ade record...
Syncro System Movement.
It's still my favorite.
Excuse me while I give it a play....
side one: Synchro System Movement
"I have my own style of playing the guitar. I have my special line. If I place my guitar here and if you are a guitarist, you can’t play it because of the way I tuned it. You have to study it to be able to play it. I have my own special line of guitar. I have my own creation of guitar. That was why some years ago I was recognised as number 68 master guitarist in the whole world." - KSA (more here:
Sunny Ade
side two: Nibi Lekeleke Gbe Nfosho / Gbobgo Lope / Ori Olowo / Asiko Ni
I don't recommend doing this but if you ever want to get into early reggae music you need to buy Jamaican 45's. I don't recommend it though because it is an addiction more habit forming than cocaine and almost as expensive.
But beautiful none the less.
Jamaican Reggae music in the 1960s and 70s was really a singles market. Local music studios like Randy's studio, Black Ark studio, Channel One studio, the legendary Studio One, Joe Gibbs studio and more were all churning out hundreds of songs and pressing them into 45 rpm singles for the local dance halls and for the music listening public. The idea of the Reggae LP really didn't catch on until Bob Marley made it big in the late 1970's. Up until then the music came out as singles. Millions of singles. You'll live your entire life and you'll never hear all of them.
I got into buying reggae singles sometime in the mid 1980's. At first I used to just buy the occasional disc from Rhino Records but then doc, it became an obsession. Lol. Seriously folks. I went nuts. I loved buying those pretty little records.
I bought a lot of singles from eBay for sure. But the serious jones came when I found out about Reggae lists. Enterprising people would go down to Jamaica and buy up reggae singles and then sell them by mail order in the states. I used to receive sale lists in the mail. The sellers knew me. I used to go through the song titles on the lists like a kid in a toy store. The lists usually had two sections. A set price list and a "bid" list. The bid list had the special records and you were on your own when it came to how much you would offer. I remember distinctly seeing this record Madness by the Mighty Maytones on a bid list. It was a dream record for me. I HAD to have it so I sent in a bid that was astronomical. The seller sent me back a message saying, "Don't worry dude, you got it lol" or something like that.
song: Madness
artist: The Mighty Maytones
label: Mango
Winro Records was a California record label that was in some way associated with Clemet "Coxsone" Dodd's Studio One label. I always looked for Winro Records because they were usually good Studio One music on clean American vinyl. For a while I actually had a copy of Burning Spear's album "Rocking Time" on Winro. Nice record that was.
This particular song, Dread Oppression by the Melodies, was a song that Hank Holmes used to play on the Reggae Beat radio show (KCRW Santo Monica College). The Melodies were one of a thousand obscure Jamaican reggae artist who put out just a few singles. Early Jamaican music was filled with scores of local artist who put out a few great singles that never made it to LP. That's why we buy singles my friends. This is a sweet tune. I picked this up from a record list as well.
song: Dread Oppression
artist: The Melodies
label: Winro
Bongo Man was another label owned by Coxsone Dodd. Dodd put out Studio One music on so many different labels. Here's a list of Studio One record labels listed by Discogs:
Antics Disc, Blue Mountain, Bongo Man, Budget, C and N Records, Collector's Series, S.O. World, Coxson, Coxsone Records, Faze Four, Festival 71, Festival 72, Forward Records, Iron Side, Iron Side Disc, Media Records, Money Disc, Mu-Zik City Records, Music Lab, ND Records, Oldies, Rolando & Powie, Sight 'N' Sound, Sight 'N' Sounds Records, Sight & Sound New York, Studio One, CLD-12", Series 1, Super Natural Disc, Super Six, Supreme Records, Tabernacle Records, and Winro Records.
All record labels put out by Coxsone's Studio One.
Pretty amazing huh? I bought records from many of those labels. Bongo Man, Studio One, Money Disc, Coxson, Music Lab, Super Natural Disc and they all sounded like Studio One music. I don't really know why Dodd put music out on so many different labels but my hunch is it had to with evading royalties. As much as the world loves Clemet Dodd he was an infamous skinflint.
But as I have said elsewhere the music put out by Studio One was always so great that we forgive the rough edges.
Clemet "Coxsone" Dodd
This record "Jah Jah Way" by Jackie Bernard was one of my first reggae single purchases. It's a beautiful song in and out. I picked it up as a new record at Rhino Records sometime in the early 1980's for $0.99. When I moved to the Philippines I sold it for a cool $200.00. Thank you Mr. Dodd.
song: Jah Jah Way
artist: Jackie Bernard
label: Bongo Man
Another reason why we buy singles is because Jamaican artist are famous for putting out multiple versions of the same song.
I used to go see the Itals backed by the Freedom fighters play at the Music Machine in Santa Monica during the 1980's. Those were some great shows. The Itals singing to the blasting Reggae groove. The dancehall filled with ganja smoke. I wish I was there now.
The Itals were a great Jamaican trio fronted by lead singer Keith Porter. They put out several LP's on Nighthawk records all of which are well worth checking out.
The Itals didn't receive the attention that other groups received but they were one of my favorite vocal groups. Their most famous song was "In A Dis Ya Time." It received a lot of air play on reggae radio shows in LA. I remember my joy when I saw it listed on a reggae set sale list.
I purchased the record and much to my surprise when it came in the mail the recording turned out to be a totally different version than the version played on the radio. And better! I've actually never heard this version played on the radio or anywhere else for that mater. To my knowledge this version has never appeared on an LP. Just one of those treats that came out of nowhere.
That's Reggae music my friends.
song: In A Dis Ya Time
artist: The Itals
label: Hopewell Survivors Production
Now this record...
One Saturday I was listening to Chuck Foster's KPFK radio show "Reggae Central" and Chuck closed his show with a very nice song. It was the show closing song so about halfway through the song the music faded and the KPFK station break began. Luckily I was recording the show but since it was the last song there was no information given as to who the artist was or what the song was but I HAD TO HAVE IT.
The more I played the part of the song I captured on tape the more I wanted it. I even went to visit Chuck Foster at his home one day and while there I asked him what was that song he played that day? I couldn't remember the exact day so I tried to sing it to him. "How long will the wicked reign" I sang to him but I'm not a great singer and he just shook his head. He was nice and he tried to sing along with me but finally he said "Sorry I can't place it." Damn. No luck.
And that's how it was for a couple of years. It was a record I HAD TO HAVE but I had no clue what the record was called. Or who the artist was. Nothing. And then one day I was saved.
It was beautiful. Some of the people selling reggae singles will send along with the song lists sample tapes. Cassette tapes with short segments of the songs so the customers can have an idea of what they were getting. I might even have a couple of them lying around. Anyway, one day I received one such tape and there it was. In amazement I played the sample tape there was the song I had been searching for. I about dropped a brick. I couldn't believe my ears.
The song was "Selassi I" by Roots of the Field pressed on the Roots of the Field label.
I bought it without hesitation.
Talk about obscure. Discogs lists ONE single by Roots of the Field and only one single on the Roots of the Field label. And it's a gem.
That's reggae music my friends.
song: Selassi I
artist: Roots of the Field
label: Roots of the Field
PS - downloading trick. I recently found out that you can download most youtube videos by going to the web address and deleting the "ute" from the web address and entering it. Like if the youtube web address is something like www . youtube / videoname change the address to www . yout / videoname and it will take you to the download page... Try it! Have fun my friends.
song: Seven Hundred Pound Weight b/w Justice and Honour
label: Integrity 12 inch single
This, I want to tell you, is a piece of vinyl that I loved.
Deep affection.
It has everything that I love.. Heavy solid music. Lyrics that talk to me. Limited pressing. Obscure label. 12 inch extended play. Wicked dub. Good lord what more do you want?
I picked it up one night in the used reggae bin at Rhino Records in Westwood sometime in the mid 80's. At the time I had no idea who Ras Elroy or Black Slate were but Rhino had a listening booth and I listented to it and grabbed it. Aka, I lucked out.
Folks, will we ever find used records like this again? Sigh.
Black Slate was (is) a British reggae band. They never made it as big as say Aswad or Steel Pulse but they did put out some heavy duty reggae. Seven Hundred Pound Weight heavy.
When I came to the Philippines I gave this record to a friend. I couldn't sell it.
My woman loves it and she smokes it
my woman loves it and she needs it
my woman smokes it cuz it takes her higher
but we just can afford it.
Mister Government, Mister Government
you've taken away from the poor man
who smoke this herb for meditation
to reach to the higher one.
So seven hundred pound
a weight a murder
seven hundred pounds
a weight of sensimilla
seven hundred pounds
a weight of sensimilla.
While we're on the subject.. Marijuana.
As I have said before I am now living in the Philippines. The other night I was at a Filipino party. Filipinos love to party. They get together in the villages and sing Karaoke and pass around shots of whiskey and party until the wee hours. It's beautiful. And as I was saying the other night I was at such a party when low and behold a joint got fired up. Ganja. Reefer. Sweet Sensimilla....
It came passing by and DAMN IT I had to say no.
It killed me.
Do you know what they do to foreigners who get caught with narcotics in Asia. Don't ask.
My friends all said "Ah come on.." but folks, in the Philippines they list Marijuana, the lambs bread, Jah's gift to the world, right along side heroin and cocaine and if I got caught with any drugs.. as a foreigner.. well forget it. No more grooVemonzter that's for sure.
So I said no.... and the joint passed on. Sigh.
For the time being this wonderful music can be found here: Sensimilla
01 - Come to me............................... (Volt V-7603)
02 - Don't leave me this way................. (Volt V-7602)
03 - Glory of love.............................. (Volt VLT-12625 SP)
04 - I'm coming home.......................... (Volt VLT-12626 SP)
05 - Sweet Lorene.............................. (Volt VLT-13685-MO)
06 - Ole man trouble........................... (Volt VLT-9178)
07 - Respect..................................... (Volt VLT-9108)
08 - That's what my heart needs............. (Volt V-1100)
09 - That's how strong my love is............. (Volt V-124 VLT-8443)
10 - Mary's little lamb.......................... (Volt V-1089)
11 - Sittin' on the dock of the bay............ (Volt 45-157)
12 - I've got dreams to remember............ (Atco 68-C-14485-PL)
One time in the mid 1970s a friend of mine and I were walking down Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood late one Saturday night. Suddenly, as we passed by one of the night clubs, a drunk stumbled out of the club's front door and slammed right into my friend. After a few moments of confusion my friend and the drunk recovered their footing and stood there looking at each other. The drunk was Jack Nicolson.
"Do you know what time it is?" Jack asked my friend.
My friend looked at his watch and told Jack Nicolson the time.
"Thanks." Jack said and turned and walked away.
My friend and I stood there looking at each other like did that really just happen.
Sunset Boulavard.
Another time a different friend and I were in a liquor store on Sunset buying some beer and causually talking about Bob Dylan.
Suddenly we heard a voice from behind us say, "Ah, he's just a phony."
We turned around to look at the speaker.
It was Jimmy Durante.
"Bob Dylan is a big phony!" Jimmy Durante said and waved his hand down like he was fully fed up with the guy. Then he turned and walked out the door.
My friend and I looked at each other like did that really just happen?
Later that night the two of us were polishing off a few beers and laughing about how much having Jimmy Durante pop out of nowhere and give his opinion in our conversation was just like a Bob Dylan song. And it was.
Jimmy Durante
Anyway, I've always loved Sunset Boulevard.
Sometime in the mid-1990's I was hanging out on Sunset Boulevard when I ran across a little used record store. In the 1990's CD's were coming into fashion and everyone was selling their vinyl. There were little used record shops popping up all over Los Angeles. I remember it was late in the evening when I stepped into that new record store. Always a joy. It was a small shop filled with used LP's and a ton of singles. Much to my pleasure I found out that they were having a clearance sale. Everything was being discounted.
A couple hours later I walked out of the place with a big box full of 45 singles. Those were the days my friends.
Among those singles was a pile of old Otis Redding Volt singles. Let me tell you, those Otis Redding singles were to become records that I truly loved. Some of them were pretty scratched up but some of them played beautifully. That's how it is with used singles. I can't tell you how many times I sat up at night playing them. Really lovely music. I like the old red and black Volt labels too.
I'm surprised the demons from up in the cloud let me keep it posted.
I had the original pressing of this record in my record collection once upon a time. When I sold the bulk of my records back in Miami back in the early 2000's it was one of the records I sold. I got a very nice bid on it which was nice. But...
For the most part when I sold my records I was relieved to get rid of them. Try moving some day with 7000 LPs. It's a pain. So I felt no small sense of relief when I sold them off. But...
One day a friend of mine asked me if I regretted selling any of them and I had to confess the only record that I actually regretted selling was my original copy of Scientist in Dub Volume 1.
"Regrets, I've had a few..." Frank Sinatra
Yes, I regretted selling it. For years I mourned its loss. And then one day I was wandering around Amoeba records in Hollywood and I found the repressing. A brand new reissue copy of the record sealed in plastic. My pupils dilated. I picked it up and held it in my hands. It was like holding the ghost of a long lost friend. I held it and looked at it and bought it without hesitation.
It had the same cover as the original.
It had the same music as the original.
It was as near a copy of the original as the manufacturers could make but...
I was raised in Los Angeles, California in the late 60's and went to high school in the San Fernando Valley. Basically I was your typical proto-hippie
valley dude. The band Blue Cheer pretty much summed up the crew I hung
out with. Their recording of "Summertime Blues" was a monster hit in the San Fernando
valley. How many joints got rolled on the back of their first album "Vincebus Eruptum" is
anyone's guess.
Blue Cheer
Somehow I graduated from high school and even more surprisingly somehow I went to college.
During my college years I
pretended to learn how to play the bass guitar. Hey, turn the amp up loud
enough and smoke a lot of weed and your good to go.
Throughout the 1970's I played a
string of engagements in assorted garages.
I did manage to wind up in a
couple of bands that actually played gigs in various dingy Hollywood dives.
The beer was cheap and the flies were free and what the heck, I cherish the memories.
Sometime around 1979 I was
playing in a band called "The Symptoms." (I've still got our old
demo tape in one of the boxes. Maybe I'll burn a CD of it and really embarrass
By that time I was in my late twenties and certainly the old man of the
group. I think the next oldest was the keyboard player who was maybe twenty-one and
kind of my friend but at twenty-seven I was old enough to make our association
tenuous at best and when we went to clubs he pretended he didn't know me.
Our lead singer was a cool
raven haired Mexican girl named Jaime who actually could sing. She was
nineteen, I remember Jaime quite clearly.
We, the Symptoms, went
through about five drummers. One day Jaime told us she had met a new drummer
through the Recycler. He was going to drop by that evening.
That evening the drummer showed up. We
were all there in Jaime's parent's garage setting up and Jaime introduced the new drummer to us.
"This is Paul."
Jaime said.
I looked over at the guy. Paul was the picture of your long-haired drummer type. He gave us the nod as he tightened the screws on his
drum kit.
Jaime was eager to sell this new drummer to us.
"Hey," she said to
Paul, the new drummer, "Didn't you say you were in a band in the sixties that had a hit? What was the song called?"
We were all busy setting up
and only half listening but Paul said off hand. "Summertime Blues."
None of my younger band mates
paid much attention to that but for me... time stood still and everything became quiet.
"What band were you in?" I asked.
"Blue Cheer" he said.
Paul Whaley, Blue Cheer's drummer.
I looked at him and, my friends, I about
dropped a brick.
He looked back at me and grinned because he saw my expression. No
one else in that garage new but the two of us, we knew. Paul Whaley, monster drummer grinned at me and for
that one moment it was 1967 again.
An amazing moment that I will
never forget.
Yes, Blogspot Massive, Paul
Whaley played with my band "The Symptoms"... for a while. And for a brief period
in Los Angeles musical history, Paul Whaley and Yours Truly were Drum and Bass.
Maybe a month or so. Then he moved on.
I think playing garages and
dive Hollywood joints was a bit of a letdown after Blue Cheer but still....
No sooner had I posted that last album, Orlando Owoh - E get as E be, than some gentle soul commented that Moos over at Global Groove had already posted the same album. I went over to check out Moos's post and low and behold not only had I downloaded it already but I had even commented on the post.
Egg on MY face hahaha.
OK, so you're wondering why I didn't realize I already had that album.
Well, I could point out that since this is a new computer I don't have the necessisary app to extract the files which is true. I still haven't opened Moos's copy of that album.
That excuse would be true. But there is an even deeper reason.
I forgot.
But all that is in the past.
Here's another album from that lovely "downloaded albums" folder. Again, thank you to whoever created these files. Images are from discogs.
And always thank you to Dr. Chief Orlando Owoh for giving us all your gift of music may you RIP.
artist: Dr Chief Orlando Owoh & his African Kenneries
album: E Get as E Be
label: Owoh Records
year: 1989
As I have previously explained I have moved to the Philippines. And before I go on let me say, this place is a trip. The Philippines are a trip. The Philippines and the Filipino people are beautiful. If you have a chance to visit the Philippines, do come. You will not be disappointed.
But, back to music.
Before I moved to the Philippines I bought a new computer. I had all my music files backed up on Carbonite so when I arrived in the Philippines I was able to download all my stored music files.
However, the download was slow. I mean VERY slow. Dear readers, it took two (2) months to download all my files. No joke. Finally though Carbonite told me that 100% of my files had been downloaded and I have spent the last few weeks going through my music folders. Some fun.
So, check this out. As I was looking through my files I found a folder labeled "downloaded albums." This sounds interesting I thought. I opened the folder and I found about 40 full length albums that I had downloaded from YouTube over the years. And folks, amongst those albums I found this Orlando Owoh album that I had never posted.
"E Get as E Be"....
Well, it looks like I get a new Orlando Owoh album.
Orlando Owoh - E Get as E Be
Credits. I have no idea who made these files but I'm posting them because... Hear me out.
In an interview taken from the movie "Life History of Orlando Owoh (part 2) Orlando Owoh said this;
Interviewer (speaking to Orlando Owoh) :Some other musicians do sing your songs.Do they come for any copyright from you?
Orlando Owoh:That’s what NIGERIANS eat from.
Interviewer:And you are not angry at that?
Orlando Owoh:(thinks a long time then says)We met songs in the world.That’s why we can sing.And when we die some other people will continue singing.I am just happy that I am fortunate.I’ve got good destiny.That I can find this cloth and buy it.And I still find it on this man.Then it’s a good and fine cloth.And may the Lord make any other persons using my songs proper with it.
Thank you Dr Chief Orlando Owoh for your gift of music. We are all blessed.
HrH Shakeera Ghoniem said: Dr Orlando Owoh your memory will remain you are great just too great KENNERY BABA
Ajayi Abayomi said: Baba Kennerie I miss you, rest in peace baba
Tunji Akande said: This is the man with velveting voice and deep philosophy. He ruled his time with his unique songs and rhythm. A leading singer, songwriter and musician of my generation.
KING DAVID said: You will forever be remember with all your evergreen records. Many of us never listen to your music until we grew up and see how this resonates in our 21st century. You have gone but your work lives on. RIP
PS I got the images for the cover and for the label from discogs.
PPS Until further notice this music can be found HERE
PPPS Or you could get an even better Rip from Global Grove HERE
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We also have, for thos...
weekly show,,, enjoy
Nahawa Doumbia tour dates 2020
Nâ Hawa Doumbia as Nahawa Doumbia Trio is currently t...
My focus these days has been more on the wild world of sci-fi cinema. I
think more than a few psych-heads may be down with that as well. If you
don't min...
This week, up for grab: 4 lots of 50 tapes (Esan music: molam, luk thung...
and all kinds of tapes from Thailand, China, India, Laos, Cambodia,
Hamlins - Everyone Got To Be There (Studio 1 UK 7).mp3"
Hamlins - Treasure Girl (Stud...
ABC Records – AA 1076 This was in the dollar bin at a local thrift shop,
in minty shape. It looked so clean, I put it on the turntable before
running it t...
Ten years ago I decided to see if I could put together a full album of
music all by myself - something I had never done despite years of
collaborating with...
Here's the Premiere of my new track, "Nolias" for the compilation Versus
III (On the Corner records, UK). Release end of may. Hope you will enjoy it
*Posts on this blog are now closed. If you haven't already found it, you
now need to head over to Needle Time for my latest muses, meanderings and
Only a year ago we celebrated his 80th birthday with a selection of his work,
today we mourn his death.
There are no words for the sadness, the loss, felt ...
I like to walk. When I walk, oftentimes I see so many fascinating scenes.
Interesting scenes like a dog sitting still watching the early morning
Does anyone know about the following Japanese 70s private obscurity ?
The name of the male artist is "Hiroshi Tanaka " .
No info on the Internet....
At la...
Born on October 29, 1950 in Bandjoun - Western Cameroon, André Marie Tala
lost his mother at the age of four. He is raised by his grandmother, a
11 years has past since our Fryslan Warrior Dirk past away in August.
Almast 1 year has past since my close friend (Mari) past away in August.
Almast 20 yea...
And once again a 'new'album from my favourite band, Yamoah's.
It dates from 1975, so it is hardly new, and probably the music is even
older. But i had ne...
Nog een paar dagen en dan sluit ik mijn 6 blogs (op 24 mei).
Je kunt je nog aanmelden op ** voor mijn 2 privé-blogs:
een met 78 toeren t...
Lista de canções:
Riding On A Windy Day
No More Heartache
Duke Of Earl
Play Fool
Zion Gates
Fatty Fatty
Happy Go Lucky Girl
Same Song
Country B...
These are the indigenous Afro-Jazz Sounds of The Genius,Philip Tabane-the
original Malombo Jazzman.
It started in 1964,at Orlando Stadium,when Philip we...
Amongst year-end reflections of gratitude and disappointment the question
of forgiveness keeps coming back to me. Those who seek it, those who give
it, ...
Friday at @aulounge is about to be 🔥🔥🔥🔥giving away free copies of my
new Sound of Africa vol9 mix to the first 20 people, plus we’ll be joined
by spe...
Sorry for the disappeared photos. Photobucket recently restricted "3rd
party hosting". I'm openly admitting to being too lazy to move all of my
pictures to...
Sistema de Sonido o Picó EL PRINCIPE TURBO «Su majestad» Fue diseñado por
Manuel Henriquez Esmeral » el musicologo del caribe» como una variante al
pulso y...
A great soukous track from Ivory Coast, with interesting lyrics dealing
with cheating in a couple (trahison = betrayal). Long track but...
Two months ago I promised big news from Unblinking Ear HQ. (And I think I
may have actually delivered.) But the Unblinking Ear Records Official
It's been a long time since there's been any activity over here at Snap,
Crackle and Pop, but I thought it might be a good moment to start
Voici un nouveau mix fait de quelques disques trouvés à Montréal pendant la
dernière année. Ceux-ci datent principalement de la fin des années 1960
Here's one that recently sold on eBay, some heavy roots. Don't know much
about the label, any info would be appreciated!
Plenty of records in the sto...
Sorry keeping some of you on tenterhooks wondering whether Boot Sale Sounds
is still a going concern. I was hoping to get back into uploading some gems
Eba Aka Jerome et Le Samwi Stars/ LE RETOUR DE
editions EBONE RECORDS ER 0009
Eba Aka Jerome et Le Samwi Stars /BE FA BE HOU BE editios WEA 52 194
Alojzij Žakelj
* Alone but not lonely spirit of the mountains*
I admire man of silence, patience and humbleness. Wonderful and rare to
meet a man who is de...
Hopefully all the links have now finally been refreshed and replaced with
working ones at a new service. If you still find missing or malfunctioning
All good things must come to an end and this blog is no exception.I want to
thank every single artist/band/label who gracefully shared their music on
barrie konicov is one of my favorite self help tape gurus. he sounds like a
fat mush mouthed slob from the south, but he looks like an affable fella in
Ok folks, so I don't get much time on the internet these days, what with
living off-grid and all. But I just discovered that one of my favorite
musicians, ...
En 1977, Sagbohan enregistre ce 45 tours en Côte d'Ivoire accompagné par
l'orchestre Black Santiago et édité sur le fameux label Badmos. Ce label a
été c...
Last May I had the luck and privilege to be in Seattle to see the
wonderful musical Fela!, during its short run there and, indeed and alas,
one of its las...
Gopis (cow herdesses) and Lord Krishna
*Thumri, *a semi-classical genre of Hindustani music, arose out of the
love/erotic *Bhakti/sufi *poetry that des...
big greetings!
i cannot believe it has been over 2 years since last time i posted
- life has been busy
--- i will try to get back into ripping some of my hu...
Hello, blog fam... I've had some trouble with my Blogger account so I
haven't been able to make any new entries for a while, but if you're
connected to me ...
Leftside Wobble comes correct! Grab it now!!!Filed under: pop, remix,
Rock, Songs Everyone Should Own Tagged: free download, leftside wobble,
Music, talki...
Guitarrista Carlos Santana lança um álbum e dois DVDs, mostrando riffs
Santana foi aclamado com o disco *Supernatural *e recebeu nove prêmio...
Jean Luc Ponty- violin
Daryl Steurmer- guitar
Mark Wolf- keyboards
Tom Fowler- bass
Norm Fearrington- drums
Paris, France
November 1975 (exact date unkno...
This is going to be the last medley-themed post for a while. It's a double
helping of deejay goodness over backing tracks featuring Ken Boothe and the
01.: Motion
02.: Bollo man
03.: Chiney baby
04.: Ska and fall back
05.: Jack-ass
06.: Jamaica
07.: Shame and scandal
08.: The dove
09.: Seven Bells
10.: Ethi...
Everytime I See You
It Was Love
Go Find Yourself A Fool
Angel Face Woman - Gold
Come Over
Them Say
Ghetto Living
Never Run Away
Judgement Day - Gold
01 - By the Way
02 - Universally Speaking
03 - This Is The Place
04 - Dosed
05 - Don't Forget Me
06 - The Zephyr Song
07 - Can't Stop
08 - I Coul...
"SS: When you would spend time together in New York, what were some of the
things Eric enjoyed doing other than playing?
RD: Cooking swordfish steak. It ...
*this Archive Area moved:*
*[ HERE ]*
[image: Photobucket]
Before Alice Cooper the solo artist there was Alice Cooper the group...
A little bit earlier and with an almost identical line-up they w...
*Record date :* 1975
*Playlist :*
Black Rights
Micron Way
Hell & Sorrow
Own Yah!
Mother Liza
Black I Am
She Is Mine
Wicked Have To Feel It
Playlist :
You're My Lady
Mister Dj
Your Love
Stranger In Love
Oh Rastaman
You Need Sympathy
Don't Try To Break
Album style : dancehall, solo vocal
One of the most popular posts I've made is "Slow Coach" by Garth Dennis.
This 45 is one of my all time favorites and I'm happy that I still have ...