Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ubulu International Band of Nigeria


King Love A.U. and his Ubulu International Band of Nigeria

"Ogom Egbu Madu"

album: Ubulu '84 Special: Anyi Bu Ofu

year: 1984

Avuruc said... "This man was unique, he contributed immensely to Ndokwa music. He gave Ndokwa music a heart and set it on the national arena."

Peacemaker94672 said... "king ubulu we all know u are dead but ur music never dies. ur shoe is 2 big for ur children to wear,all the same u have create a great chance 4 them 4 a better 2morrow .may your gentle soul rest in peace."

grooVemonzer said... I love King Ubulu's music. The guitar playing is sublime IMHO. Hopefully more of his music will appear on the blogs. This song was posted by John on his Likembe blog (link below). According to John, "Ogom Egbu Madu" means "My favor to you should not kill me." Sounds reasonable to me..


King Ubulu discography:

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